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Thursday, March 19, 2009 10:03 AM
t0Day haVing bbQ wiTh siS, c0s wE haVing gaTherinG.... wEnt t0 paRis Ris paRk Bbq, then MeEt huiMei aND juNcui t0 bUy bbQ stuFF And thEn wEnt baCk h0Me t0 pRePAre, aND wAnyi reAChed... aFTer thAt heADed t0 pAris riS By cAb aND the Fee quiTe eX, whiCh c0St 11pLus... aFTEr thAt sTart fiRe aLL thiS and sTart t0 BBQ... aFTer thAT wAit tiLL 11pLus tHEn wEnt t0 cAtch lASt buS, c0s n0 M0ney T0 tAke cAb, aND aLL tAking buS t00... iS likE fiRst tiME La, aLL ppL tAke buS anD neVer tAke cab.. waHAhahAHa..... thEn reAch h0Me aR0unD 12plUS g0iNG t0 ReAch 1am.. tHEn baTh aLL thiS and uSe c0m tiLL my haiR is drY thEn g0 aND sLp... nth t0 P0St le, c0s I aLS0 d0N kn0w wHAt t0 p0St.....Wednesday, March 18, 2009 12:46 AM
yTd wEnt t0 bUgiS wiTh j0AnnE and AGnEs... pEi j0aNne g0 bUy her baGs anD perFuMe.... anD she dAmn sTupiD La, thE pErfumE s00000 eX.... AfTer thAT wENt t0 f00D JuNCti0n eAt 0uR luNCh..... wAhHAhHAha..... aFTEr eATiNg wENt t0 wALk walK ALL thiS... aFTer tHAT tAke buS baCK t0 bED0k inTer... whiLE inSIde thE buS j0ANne w0RKinG plaCe caLL hEr anD aSk her t0 G0 w0Rk f0r 3hRs, c0s g0t 1 w0RkeR waNT t0 leAve eArlY.... ahahAHhAhHA.... thEN shE daMn du lAn c0s wE haVing diNNer wiTh HER at 85mArkeT... aFTer THat pLan wiTh aGnes whEre t0 g0... c0S cANN0t let HEr g0 h0Me c0s sHe wiLL Be laZY t0 g0 0uT Le... HahahAHa.... s00000 wE plan T0 g0 e!huB wAtch m0Vie, wAnt T0 wAtCH kUnG fu cHef but sTart vEry niTeX s0000 WE chANge t0 puSh.... wAHahAHhA... quiTe laMe aR thE sh0w 0NLy the FiGhtiNg paRt vEry inEReStinG.... wAhahAhhA... aND i fiRsT tiME waTch m0Vie wiTh aGneS is liKe 0Nly 20F us.... wAhahAhhA... n0T reAlLy tHat wEirD.... aFTer m0Vie wEnt t0 buY waFFle eAt, thEn wEnt t0 tAke buS baCK t0 beD0k mEEt j0aNne aT 85maRket eAt...... HahahAhHAha. buT j0aNne REaCh laTe aND the f00D c0Me le shE haVen eVen reAch yeT.. s000 we eAt firSt diDn't waiT F0r hEr..... HahahAHhA.... aFTer finiSh eATinG wEnt baCk h0ME then i buy F00d f0r My da Ge eaT c0s he iS HunGry..... aR0uNd 12pLus rEacHed h0Me..... wAhahAhha... thEn t0DAy wAke up quiTe lAte, 1pLus tHen wAke up.... wEnt t0 nEw c0FFee Sh0p eAt lunCh wiTh da GE and mUMMy... waHAhahHAa.... t0DAy i thiNK wiLL BE sTayinG at h0ME wh0Le DAy unleSs g0t ppL ji0 miiE 0ut...... haHahahAHha. aND thAnks t0 my AunT, shE br0uGht miie a SPeCt whiCh is whiTe c0l0uR quiTe nicE, bUt i w0nT wEar unTil sTart sCh thEn weAr... HahahHAha. the SPeCt vERy niCe, my ahMA say i l00kS liKe teAchER. d0tS.....Saturday, March 14, 2009 2:39 AM
yTd wEnt t0 pLay bADmiNt0n at kAki tHEre... aFTEr pLAyiNg tAke piC aND wEnt t0 tAke buS h0Me anD baTh.. ThaNks t0 aGNeS and CLAra waiTinG f0r miie WHiLe i baTHinG s0ME m0rE thEY r vERy hunGry t00, fEEl guilTY.. wAhaHAhHA.... aFTEr bAThinG wEnt t0 tm eAt pePPEr lunCh... ANd the sTUpiD j0ANne c00k aL0t 0f f00D f0r miiE T0 eAt.... shE thiNk shE fEEdiNG piG ar... buT nVm, thAnks aNYway.... wAhHAhhaha....... aFTEr finiSh eAting siT d0wn AnD chAT chiT... aFTeR finiSh cHAttinG wEnt baCk h0mE bY buS 18... wiLL bE p0sTing tHE piC:)ThiS pic g0t a Bit wEird c0s wE puT sELf tiMer anD i d0n kn0W my hp dE SELf tiMEr h0w L0Ng s000000 wAit till L0Ng... Wednesday, March 11, 2009 8:42 AM
wEnt t0 hAve luNCh wiTh my mum aND da GE and BL0Ck 26... eAt duCk riCe wiTH my muM aND buY t0t0... WahAhhaha... I kn0w I cRazY g0 bUY t0t0.... HeheHEhEhe..... aFTEr thAt wEnt baCK h0Me d0 s0Me hSe w0Rk thEN pLay guiTar.... pLAY till hALf j0ANNe cALL thEn i wENt t0 tM fiND hEr anD ChiT chAt... tALk ab0Ut chaLet thiNGs plan n0T t0 haVE BBQ thEn d0N kn0w wHEthER stiLL haViNG bbq MArhS..... wAhahAHhA.... aR0uNd 1oPlus thEn wEnt baCk h0ME..... ReAch h0Me aR0und 11pLus tHEN sEE my dA gE PLAy mahJ0ng...... HEheHEhHe.... suDDenlY fEEl liKe pLayiNG maHj0nG.....Tuesday, March 10, 2009 7:08 AM
fuCkiNG du LAn with The chAlet thiNGs.... mSg s0000 mANy ppL 0nLY 5repLy.... wTF..... wHy eVerytiMe chAlet mAke faNg fi ji siA... fanG fi ji reALLy g0t thAt fun meHS, naBei, nEXt time EUu aLL pLAn 0uTinG i c0nFirm 1oo% tAKe reVengE t0 fAn fi ji sEe EUu aLL du LAn maRhs..... n0T in thE m00d TaLk....Monday, March 9, 2009 12:08 AM
t0Day wAke up aT 11pLus theN lie 0N the bEd thiNking thiNgs....... aFTer thAt waKe up d0 my ThiNGs theN use c0M..... t0Day rainiNg daMn heAvy cANN0t g0 0uT, laZY t0 bRiNG umbRellA... wAhahHAha...... wiLL p0St tiLL hEre.......Saturday, March 7, 2009 10:03 PM
t0Day wAke up in thE m0rniNg wEnt t0 church, iT waS liKe dAmn tiRed La......... wAhahAHha....... yTd caNt sLp d0n kn0W Why thEn Lie 0n thE bEd tuRn hEre aND thEre tiLL 3pLus thEn cAn maNage T0 sLp....... wEnt t0 chURch aND i reAch thEre 0n tiMe aND they sTaRt t0 w0RshiP s0000000000 LUCky...... wAhahAHhAha...... aFTeR chUrcH wEnt baCK h0Me d0 S0Me hsew0Rk theN pLAy c0M aND guiTar...... aND eVery Fri wiLL haVe baDminT0n wiTh cLAp thEy aLL s000000000 haPpy....... wAhahAhHAha.........Friday, March 6, 2009 5:58 AM
t0Day wAKe up at 1pm And wEnt t0 dADDy thEre eAt, aFter eAtinG wEnt t0 beD0k inTer mEEt clAp anD jiaxin f0r bADminT0n..... wAhahAHhA.... rEAch thEre g0 fiND jinGPei bL0cK f0r tAkinG the rEceipT.. anYway tHanks t0 SL anD jiNgpei... HahaHAhHAha.... aFTer baDmiNt0n wEnt t0 inTer thEn cLAp and jiAxin cAme my hSe whiLe thEY r waiTing f0r miiE thEY uSing c0m.... wAhahAhHA..... aFTer baThiNG wEnt t0 iNTer mEEt cinDy aGAin and cLAp wENt baCK h0mE c0s shE haViNg CG mEetinG... mEEt cinDy at mRt sTAti0N thEn g0 t0 siMei c0s cinDy g0 p0pulAr buY hER stuFFs... aFTer thAt wEnt t0 ciTy haLL MEEt chArmaiNe aND we r LAte.. s0RRy.. HehehEHehe..... thEy pEi miie g0 buY guiTar aND thEy r liKe s000 g00d siA..... s000 pAiseh t0 lEt them waiT f0r miiE.... aND i g0t tAke pic f0r my guiTar, anD i s0 LiKE s000000 haPpy c0s i FinALLy haVe my 0Wn guiTar... iS whiTe c0l0uR, daMN niCe sia!!!!!! wAhahAHHAha..... aFTer buYing GuiTar wEnt t0 c0FFee sh0P eAT 0ur diNner... thEn wEnt t0 0nE siDe t0 lEarn guiTar thiNGs... thAnks t0 th0Se pPL wh0 aCc miie anD tEacH miie guiTaR...mY guiTar shy s000 hiDe insiDe the bAg.. (RUBBISH) niCe riGht... thE c0l0uR daMn niCe sia makE miie feLL in luV With it. Thursday, March 5, 2009 5:18 AM
t0DAY wEnt t0 pLay bAdmiNT0n wiTh sl anD hER frieNDs.... aFTer thAT weNt baCK inter fiND muMMy pEi HER anD ahMa g0 sHEng si0Ng bUy d0Ts 0f deliCi0Us f00D, G0t CRab, chiCken, fiSh anD s0Up... thEn t0DAy my c0uSin they ALL cAMe mY hSe aND eaT.... wAhaHAhha, anD finALLy i LeaRn h0w t0 c00K bLaCk pePPer cRab.... wAhahHAhAha..... aFTer wEnt t0 shEng si0NG went swiMMing aL0ne swiM tiLL muSle pAin.... wAhahHAha.... aFTer thAt wENt baCk h0me bAth theN wEnt kiTchEN see AHma c00k And She tEach miie..... hEheHEHhe.... tMR g0iNG pLay baDminT0n wiTH cLAp theY, CAnt wait tiLL tmR.... wAhaHAhHA......Sunday, March 1, 2009 12:32 AM
yTd wEnt 0UT wiTh peiShi anD agnEs f0r m0Vie anD AMK hUb.... tHEre quiTe biG buT nth t0 WALk s000000 siAnZz.... fiRst tiME in my Life 1daY waTch 2 m0Vie.... wAhahAHhA.... luCky g0t en0UGh m0NEy, if n0T diE... FirSt m0Vie is he'S jUsT n0t that int0 y0U sTart aT 2pM aND a biT RuSh c0s wENt t0 NtuC bUy p0tAt0 chiP anD eAt... aFTer thAt waiT tiLL 5.15 t0 waTch MarLey & mE, quiTe fuNny... buT tHE lASt paRt quiTe t0uChiNg c0s thE d0g diE... waHAhahAhaha.... aFTer m0Vie wEnt baCk bY mRt g0 Tm haVe diNNer wiTh g0nG g0ng theN aFTer diNnEr aCTuaLLy pLan t0 waLk baCk t0 bEd0k but RAiniNg s0000 TAke buS baCK h0Me.... wAhaHAhA..... reaCh h0Me aR0uND 1oPLus theN uSe c0m waTch xiA0 xiN sh0w thEn waNyi mSg miiE wHEthER thEy can c0Me my hSe pLay mAhj0nG maRhs thEN i SAy anyTHinG.... wAhahAHha... pLAy tiLL 3.3opm wEnt t0 SLp c0s t00 tiReD.. thEn wAke up at 1pLus wEnt t0 my faTHEr w0Rking eAt.. aFTer eaTinG heLp him a WHile c0S quiTE aL0t 0f ppL... aFTer he cL0Se then i wEnt baCk h0Me. thEN waiTiNG tiLL niTex g0 haVE diNner with leNG theY All.... |