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Tuesday, April 28, 2009 2:06 AM
aCTuALLy t0Day enDs sCh at 11am, c0s 0F the StupiD pricnpLE thEn dRag us tiLL 1pLus THen eND sch..... fEEl like kiLLing him, is s0000000 b0Ring iNSide thE haLL.... quiTe l0Ts 0f ppl wAs sLping whiLe tHEre a tAlk, c0s nTh t0 d0... wAhahHAhAHa..... tmR g0iNG t0 haVe EE leSs0n and 3ClaSses c0mbiNe t0GethEr, s000000 p0wEr sia... I thiNk i'm g0iNG t0 diE s00n... anD i cAnt wait tiLL thURs, c0s hAving DinNer with BTS frieNDs... s000000 haPPy!!!!Monday, April 27, 2009 2:36 AM
g0iNg t0 UpdAte my BL0g agAin, iF n0t g0inG t0 be r0TTen.... wAhahAhHA........ t0Day wAke up at 6.5o PrepAre f0r Sch tHen rEach cLAss LATe c0s wEnt t0 cANteen buy DriNks and Chit Chat wiTh frieNds... wAhahHAha. aFter THAt 9.3o haVe bReak, afTer bReak wEnt baCk t0 claSs..... thEn laSt leSS0n is PE and 2nd wEEks 0f pE neEd t0 run 2r0uNds luCky.. HehehEHhE... firSt r0uNd afTer teAcher tALks, 2nd r0uND be4 g0 h0Me nEEd t0 run agAin and i LaZy t0 run the TeaCher walk t0Gether wiTh miie anD cHat quiTe l0Ts 0f thinGs.. wAhahHAhha... thAt tEaCher like my Sec sch pe tEaCher.... I reALLy miSs sec sch Life, i haTe ITE!!!! aFter scH stRaight aWay g0 h0Me and didn't g0 0uT 0r whAteVer, thE life is DAmn b0Ring... feel likE killiNg mysELf sia, 2yeArs in thAt c0urSe i thinK i canN0t makE it ar...... HeheHEhHE.... t0Day is my da ge BDae g0iNG t0 tReat him a biG meal c0s i didN't gEt him a PReSent and i d0n kn0W whaT t0 buY f0r him t00... HeheHEhHE.... s0000 miie AnD er Ge deciDe t0 tReaT Him eAt. HehehEHhE..... nth mUCh t0 p0st Le.....HAPPY BDAE DA GE!!!! Tuesday, April 21, 2009 8:44 PM
t0Day wEnt t0 sCh reAch There ar0uNd 8.55 liKe thAt.. hmmm, t0Day quiTe sTreSs c0s d0n uNDerStaNd whAt teAcher wAs tEAchiNg, c0s he sh0W us thE w0RkinG 0n c0m aND didn't tELL us h0w t0 finD the aNs and sTraiGht aWay giVe fEw qn t0 D0, anD i wAs likE WTF i d0n EveN kn0w whAt thAt meAn.... i thiNk thiS time mAths g0iNG t0 fAiL.... anD is t0TALLy diFFerEnt fr0m Sec, c0s 0uR maTHs g0t miX a bit hiSt0ry aLL thiS, anD i REaLly d0n kn0W whAt it meAns.... buT i wiLL sTill tRy my Very bEst t0 unDerStAnd..... tmR havE maTh lESS0n aGain and g0t 5-6hRs... i thiNK i'm g0iNG t0 die S00n...... aND tHat sTupid tEaCher 1Hrs nEW chApTer anD i reALLy cANN0t cAtch up and he tEaCH s0000 fAst and he d0n EVen cAre th0Se ppl wh0 cAnt caTch up.... WTF!!! tmR g0t s0000 mANy hrS he g0iNG t0 tEach dAMn l0tS 0f nEw chAptEr and i cAn pRepAre t0 fAil... anD hiS hw dAmn many La, finiSH tEAching 1chAptEr then nEEd t0 d0 thE eXercise iNSide the b00k aND i d0n eVen kn0w h0w t0 d0... quiTe l0Ts 0f my clAssmAte d0n likE him c0s 0f hiS aTTitudE dAmn suX... tmR mAybe s0mE ppL will p0tANg hiS leSs0n, c0S g0t 1ppL g0iNG t0 skiP his leSs0n.. h0PE thAt i w0nt d0 thAt c0s i d0n waNt t0 skiP anY leSs0n like LaSt time..... G0D BLESS MIIE MAN!!!! 4:01 AM
t0Day wAke up dAmn EARly c0s 0f The thuNDEr wAke miie Up. wAhahAhHA.. rEAch sch DaMn eARly, 8Am sTart i REaCh 15miN eArlier... wAhAhahHAha... t0Day 3hRs aLL the Way at c0m laB, anD first 1hrs 3omiN d0iNg prActiCaL, aFTer tHAt hAve 3omiN bReak.. thEn aFter bReaK wEnt bAck c0m laB pLAy c0m aLL thE wAy till 1oPLus tHEn tEaCher lEt uS g0 Le.. waHahaHAhAHa.... aCtuALLy 11end bUt tEaCHer lEt us g0 EarLY 1omiNS liKE thAt... be4 lEaVe nEEd t0 cReAte faCeb00k aND giVe TeaCher 0uR eMAil.... haHAhaHAha.... luCky th0Se pRacTical n0t vEry haRd liKE n0rMal cpa liKE thAT... juSt neED t0 f0LL0w thE inStruCti0n cAN Le... w0w Lucky t0Day anD ytD pRaCticAL i kn0w h0W t0 d0 if n0t i diE, c0nFirm wiLL c0nfusE... TMR G0ING T0 START EE LESS0N!!!! AND IS AB0UT MATHS LIKE THAT, G0ING T0 BE STRESS LE... S0ME M0RE 3HRS IS EE AND NEED T0 D0 QUITE L0TS 0F THINGS AGAIN.... DIE LIA0 LA.... H0PE I CAN CATCH UP!!!! hEhehEhhehE....Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:01 AM
ThiS 3DAyS i haVe bEEn g0iNg 0uT, fRi wENt t0 KB0x wiTH my ErgE c0s I kEEp diStuRbing him sAY tHAt i vERy b0Red aSK him t0 bRing miie 0ut g0 pLAy, anD YEt he bRing miie t0 KB0x SinG... siNG unTiL my V0icE a biT chANge, HAhaHAhHAhA..... aND the r00m iS reALLy dAmn biG aND juSt 0nlY miie And my Er gE he b00k s0000 biG de r00m. But luCky g0t diSc0unT c0s he w0Rking THere, And he sinG is fRee 0nLy i nEEd t0 pAy m0nEy... aND i juSt disTurb him f0r TrEat miie aND he rEALLy tReaT miie aNd ask miiE d0n pAy hiM... w0w s000000 g00D riGht d0n jeAl0uS.... sAndy hEaRd my v0iCE c0s fRI shE cALLEd miie, chAt CHit aB0ut sCh thiNGs aND i bEc0ME her BF.... HahaHAhHAhA...... sAt wenT t0 cELebRate wEn bDAe at ciTy hAll... aND wE haD 0ur diNNer at nEw y0Rk n0T thAt eX, f0r 8ppL EAt t0tAL c0St iS $123... HahahAHhA..... aFTer finiSH diNNer wEnt baCk h0mE aND i sLP damn eARly c0s t0DAy i wENt t0 chuRch..... wAke up at 8.5oam lUCky rEach thEre n0t thAT laTe...... HehHEhEHe... aFTer SErviCe stay f0r CeLL gR0up c0s chArmaiNe d0n Let miie g0:( s0000 i sTay till cell gr0Up enDs ar0uND 1pm aND wEnt t0 tAke tRain baCk t0 bEd0k anD waiT f0r muMMy t0 finiSh w0Rk and eat luNCh t0GethER.... lATer 0n aR0uND 5plUs i wiLL be bRingiNG my c0USin g0 f0r SWimmiNg f0r HE say sTay h0me vERy b0rEd ask miiE pEi him g0 Swim... buT diNner stiLL d0n kn0W g0inG whEre aND eAT and wiTH wh0..... HahahAhHA..... aND tmR is my 2nd WEeks 0f sCh, i Will tRy t0 makE m0Re frienDs anD be m0RE patiENt..... WAhahAhHAha.... WiLL upl0Ad the piC:)Thursday, April 16, 2009 3:48 PM
sch life is damn b0ring, i really want t0 die already. all friends i kn0w is s0000000 g0ng like w0nt entertain ppl. i want sec sch life!!! i want j0anne they all back, i want t0 have fun in class with them again. in ite i really damn b0red.. i have nth t0 d0 and still d0n have l0ts friends, i 0nly kn0w 2friends. but they r like retarded like that. cant really talk much with them. and really have nth t0 talk ab0ut with them.. i think i'm g0ing t0 die in this 2years, n0 ppl entertain miie and say j0kes like the past..... what can i d0? i feel like changing sch 0r change 0ther c0urses. th0se friends i kn0w is really retarded, i cann0t take it any m0re. i want t0 be with sec friends and my sis. i d0n want that kind 0f friends, all s000000 guai 1ahlian als0 d0n have in my class. last time at least still have s0me, but n0w is t0tally d0n have. h0w my sch life g0ing t0 be c0ntinue? i'm s0000000 tired man really really very tired!!!!! 1:08 AM
sch life is damn b0ring, i really want t0 die already. all friends i kn0w is s0000000 g0ng like w0nt entertain ppl. i want sec sch life!!! i want j0anne they all back, i want t0 have fun in class with them again. in ite i really damn b0red.. i have nth t0 d0 and still d0n have l0ts friends, i 0nly kn0w 2friends. but they r like retarded like that. cant really talk much with them. and really have nth t0 talk ab0ut with them.. i think i'm g0ing t0 die in this 2years, n0 ppl entertain miie and say j0kes like the past..... what can i d0? i feel like changing sch 0r change 0ther c0urses. th0se friends i kn0w is really retarded, i cann0t take it any m0re. i want t0 be with sec friends and my sis. i d0n want that kind 0f friends, all s000000 guai 1ahlian als0 d0n have in my class. last time at least still have s0me, but n0w is t0tally d0n have. h0w my sch life g0ing t0 be c0ntinue? i'm s0000000 tired man really really very tired!!!!!Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2:40 AM
t0Day wENt t0 sCH by CAb, c0s wAit f0r bUS 66 tiLL dU lan s0Me m0re s000000 h0T and iF i tAke buS i wiLL be LAte t0 sCh t00 s000000 i DeciDe t0 tAke cAb g0 sCH.. wAhahAHhA... But i rEacH Sch be4 9am.... tmR sTart sCh at 8am d0n kN0w whEthEr cAn waKe up an0Rt.... anD nEXt wEEk 0NwaRds eVErydAy sTart sCh at 8am.... g0iNG t0 Die Lia0... wAhaHAhHA.. S0Me m0re i eVEry Fri nEED t0 g0 sCh, n0t SAme aS siTi thEY ALL... s000000 SAd!!! wAhaHAhhA.. But nVm sTuDy m0RE bEtter, if N0t eVery Fri sTay h0me ALs0 d0n kn0W wAnt t0 d0 whAt..... h0Pe nExt WEEk 0nwArdS i w0Nt laTe t0 sCh. wAhahAhA..... LUCky tMR sCh enDs at 11am, aFTer tHAT can g0 h0Me sLp.... YES!!!!!!!! t0Day stiLL thE sAme, didN't kn0W m0Re friEnDs, i 0nLY kn0W a gal wh0 iS cHriStiAn anD her nAme is estHEr.. d0n kn0w spELL it c0rrECtLy maRhs.... wAhahAHhA.... thEn she is 21yeaRs 0ld siA, anD i d0n reALLy kn0w whAt t0 tALk t0 hEr.... wAhahAhhAHa..... aFTer sCh pEi jiaXin g0 intErvieW maC, thEn tAke buS 4o baCk h0Me!!!!!Monday, April 13, 2009 3:37 PM
wAKe up eaRly iN the m0RninG anD dAmn tiRed.... rEaCh sCh LAte, bUT luCkiLy n0T 0nly miiE lAte sTill g0t qUite num 0f pPL laTe.. wAhaHAhHA...... thEn pLAy 2b0Ring gAmes, neeD t0 rmB ppL nAmes all ThiS bUT i haRe cARe c0s i daMn c0NfuSe nEEd t0 rmB s00000 maNy ppL nAMes. aFTer tHAt wEnt baCk clASSr00m vERy tiRed fEEL liKe sLpiNg.. HahahAHA..... 11pluS bReak tiMe, wAit f0r miNgLi t0 c0Me d0Wn pEi miie c0s 11.3o she enD sCh.... LuCky g0t miNgli pEi miie.... iF n0t i diE ar.... wAhahAHhA...... afteR bREak 12.3o nEEd t0 g0 bAck clAssR00m... whiLe i pLAyiNg hp gAmes, g0t a guY taLk t0 miiE sAy HEY EUU WANT T0 SIT WITH US MAKE FRIENDS AND CAN CHIT CHAT... thEn i SAy 0KAy thEn i m0VE my siT, aND yEt i kEEp quiEt aND pLAy my hp gAme... wAhaHAhHA..... aFTEr liSten t0 tEaCher tALkiNg ruBBish, wENt d0wn wiTh itE stUDenT g0 wAlk aR0uND the sCh, thEn aCTUaLLy is 2.3o enDs sch bUT thE iTe sTudEnt Ask wAnt t0 g0 h0Me n0w? iF wAnt eUU cAn leAve n0W, thEn i sEe my hp iS juSt 1pLus 0nLy rEALLy cAN g0 h0Me... thEn s0Me pPL sAY cAN g0 h0Me s0000 i lEave tHE sCh tAke 4o baCk t0 inTer finD my muM... aFTer tHAt wEnt baCk h0me aND eAt breAd.... i n0w FEEL liKe eAt kFc... waHahahAHa..... s00000 tiRed, i thiNk t0DAy i cAN manaGe t0 sLp eArly, c0s YTd i reALLy cAnt sLp, 1oPlus wEnt t0 bEd, liE 0n thE bEd tiLL 12pLus thEn can sLp.. thEn t0Day dAmn tiRed.... wAhaHAhhA..... hmmm nTh t0 p0St ab0uT t0DAy Le, n0 haNDs0mE b0y in mY cLass:( 12:37 AM
wAKe up eaRly iN the m0RninG anD dAmn tiRed.... rEaCh sCh LAte, bUT luCkiLy n0T 0nly miiE lAte sTill g0t qUite num 0f pPL laTe.. wAhaHAhHA...... thEn pLAy 2b0Ring gAmes, neeD t0 rmB ppL nAmes all ThiS bUT i haRe cARe c0s i daMn c0NfuSe nEEd t0 rmB s00000 maNy ppL nAMes. aFTer tHAt wEnt baCk clASSr00m vERy tiRed fEEL liKe sLpiNg.. HahahAHA..... 11pluS bReak tiMe, wAit f0r miNgLi t0 c0Me d0Wn pEi miie c0s 11.3o she enD sCh.... LuCky g0t miNgli pEi miie.... iF n0t i diE ar.... wAhahAHhA...... afteR bREak 12.3o nEEd t0 g0 bAck clAssR00m... whiLe i pLAyiNg hp gAmes, g0t a guY taLk t0 miiE sAy HEY EUU WANT T0 SIT WITH US MAKE FRIENDS AND CAN CHIT CHAT... thEn i SAy 0KAy thEn i m0VE my siT, aND yEt i kEEp quiEt aND pLAy my hp gAme... wAhaHAhHA..... aFTEr liSten t0 tEaCher tALkiNg ruBBish, wENt d0wn wiTh itE stUDenT g0 wAlk aR0uND the sCh, thEn aCTUaLLy is 2.3o enDs sch bUT thE iTe sTudEnt Ask wAnt t0 g0 h0Me n0w? iF wAnt eUU cAn leAve n0W, thEn i sEe my hp iS juSt 1pLus 0nLy rEALLy cAN g0 h0Me... thEn s0Me pPL sAY cAN g0 h0Me s0000 i lEave tHE sCh tAke 4o baCk t0 inTer finD my muM... aFTer tHAt wEnt baCk h0me aND eAt breAd.... i n0w FEEL liKe eAt kFc... waHahahAHa..... s00000 tiRed, i thiNk t0DAy i cAN manaGe t0 sLp eArly, c0s YTd i reALLy cAnt sLp, 1oPlus wEnt t0 bEd, liE 0n thE bEd tiLL 12pLus thEn can sLp.. thEn t0Day dAmn tiRed.... wAhaHAhhA..... hmmm nTh t0 p0St ab0uT t0DAy Le, n0 haNDs0mE b0y in mY cLass:(Sunday, April 12, 2009 1:36 PM
0h n0 tmr start sch already and yet i haven prepare myself. die lia0 la, very scare sia.... s000000 early start sch and yet i d0n kn0w can wake up marhs. later 0verslept die le.. t0day still must slp early d0n kn0w whether can slp an0rt.... shit la!!!!! why sch s00000 ma fan de..... hahahahahaha...... later g0ing t0 buy bags and is last min de, d0n kn0w g0 where t0 buy.. really die lia0.... wahahahahaha..... nth t0 p0st ab0ut le.Saturday, April 11, 2009 10:44 PM
0h n0 tmr start sch already and yet i haven prepare myself. die lia0 la, very scare sia.... s000000 early start sch and yet i d0n kn0w can wake up marhs. later 0verslept die le.. t0day still must slp early d0n kn0w whether can slp an0rt.... shit la!!!!! why sch s00000 ma fan de..... hahahahahaha...... later g0ing t0 buy bags and is last min de, d0n kn0w g0 where t0 buy.. really die lia0.... wahahahahaha..... nth t0 p0st ab0ut le.Friday, April 10, 2009 11:40 PM
I'm tired 0f friendship. can we still last l0ng and c0ntinue t0 be happy like the past? can we g0 0ut quite 0ften? i think 4get it le, friendship w0nt last l0ng at all. after all went t0 ite quite a l0t change. after i see th0se friends change i d0n feel like g0ing t0 ite. i'm tired. i d0n want t0 kn0w anym0re friends, i just want t0 be al0ne. d0n want t0 make new friends again. the w0rld is changing and is m0ving ar0und making miie c0nfuse. after sch starts i w0nt be c0ntacting 0ld friends anym0re. left 2days be4 sch start, what can i d0? i feel like cancel my line and n0t t0 let any1 c0ntact miie anym0re. i need t0 be al0ne f0r few weeks. t00 stress 0ver with friendship. 8:48 AM
I'm tired 0f friendship. can we still last l0ng and c0ntinue t0 be happy like the past? can we g0 0ut quite 0ften? i think 4get it le, friendship w0nt last l0ng at all. after all went t0 ite quite a l0t change. after i see th0se friends change i d0n feel like g0ing t0 ite. i'm tired. i d0n want t0 kn0w anym0re friends, i just want t0 be al0ne. d0n want t0 make new friends again. the w0rld is changing and is m0ving ar0und making miie c0nfuse. after sch starts i w0nt be c0ntacting 0ld friends anym0re. left 2days be4 sch start, what can i d0? i feel like cancel my line and n0t t0 let any1 c0ntact miie anym0re. i need t0 be al0ne f0r few weeks. t00 stress 0ver with friendship. Maybe i'm thinking t00 much and make myself stress and c0nfuse.Thursday, April 9, 2009 9:31 PM
wEnt t0 TAmpiNe1 wALk waLk wiTh cLAp, jiAxin aND j0aNne. n0T reALLy muCh thinG t0 wAlk aLL sEll Cl0tHing... HahahAHhA..... aFTer finiSh wAlkiNG the wh0Le tAmpiNe1 wE wEnt t0 CS eAt pEppeR LunCh.... j0ANne wAs s0000 CRaZy kEEp SH0utiNg aND sAy wANt t0 c0mPlaiN aLL thiS..... t0Day shE a biT S0t s0t 0Ne, nTh t0 d0 kEEp mAkiNg sTupiD n0iSe.... aFTer finiSh eATinG j0ANne anD cLap wEnt t0 Buy deSseRt, thEn i buY dRinKs sHAre wiTh jiAxin... aFTer That wEnt t0 Tm c0s CLap wAnT t0 buY her miRR0r thEN i g0 bUy my thiNgS.... wAhahAhhA.. aFTER aLL wEnt baCk h0ME bY buS aND cRazy j0Anne sTay at CS sEe her hanDs0me b0y... reAch h0Me aR0uND 9.15 thEn wEnt t0 bAth.... tmR g00d Fri i wiLL bE hELpiNg Daddy w0Rk..... 6:39 AM
wEnt t0 tAmpiNes1 wiTh cLAp j0aNne aND jiaxiN... n0T reALLy hAve muCh thiNgs t0 wAlk aR0unD c0s m0St 0f thE sh0p sEll cL0thiNg..... aFTer tHAT went t0 CS eAt pEppEr luNch, aND j0Anne wAs s0000 cRaZy sh0uTing aR0unD... aFTEr tHAT wENt t0 tm Pei CLAp bUy hER sTAFF thEn wEnt baCK h0Me.... reAch h0Me wEnt t0 bAth anD TMR g0iNG t0 dADDy sTall hELpiNg him... s000000 b0Red...Saturday, April 4, 2009 10:15 PM
t0Day haD a vERy weirD DrEam anD i d0n kn0W whEthEr wiLL c0Me tRue an0Rt.... HeheHEhE..... haVing c0uGhing aND caNt reALLy slp wELL... thiS fEw dAtes d0n reALLy haVe en0uGh slp.... tmR PLayiNG baDmiNt0n wiTh cLap and jiAxin h0PefuLLy my C0uGh wiLL ha0 if n0T vEry xin Ku whEn pLAyiNg..... HeheHEhhE... t0Day wiLL be sTAying at h0Me wh0Le day... c0s rainiNG anD i d0n fEEl liKe g0iNg 0uT t00.....Friday, April 3, 2009 10:16 PM
pAst 3dAys wAS haVing chAlet anD haVinG quiTe l0ts 0f fuN...... And i quiTe L0ng neVer uPdate mY Bl0g Le... wAhahAhHA.. thiS 3DaYS chALet haVe s0mE unhaPPy thinGs hAPpen anD i reALLy didn'T reALLy haVe m00d, anD s0Rry gaLs chAlet thAT day i M00dy... s0RRy neXt timE g0t chALet w0NT haPPen aGain le... 1St dAy takE piC with thEm, anD will p0St LAter.... aFTEr chEck 0ut wEnt t0 eAt aND went bAck h0mE..... nTH t0 p0st ab0uT Le... m0N wiLL be pLAyiNg baDminT0n wiTh clAp... |