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Sunday, May 31, 2009 1:57 AM
damn l0ng never update my bl0g le, hahahahaha...... t0day went t0 singap0re flyers with my family, c0s is cheap and l0ts 0f ppl 0ver there.... each pers0n c0st $15 0nly, and quite num 0f auntie uncle g0 take.... wahahahahaha..... take quite l0ts 0f pic t00, and i damn l0ng didn't g0 0ut and take pic le, and finally i went 0ut again:) actually there quite b0ring, d0n kn0w whether is with family 0r really very b0red.... wahahahahahaha.... tmr having VJB face test, d0n kn0w whether will pass an0rt, and g0ing t0 run 2.4!!!! h0pe its rain then will change date again... Wahahahahaha.... will p0st till here:) will upl0ad the pic...Me and ahma Ahma and erge Monday, May 18, 2009 5:12 PM
Ytd pe less0n having nafa test, was quite tired. haha. but lucky g0t rain s00000 n0 need t0 run 2.4 0nly need t0 d0 the 5 stati0n. hahahaha. s0000000 lucky ar...... after pe jiaxin c0me and meet miie then we g0 CS eat pepper lunch, and wait f0r j0anne till damn hungry. hahahaha.... after that went back h0me c0s i very tired. hahahahaha...... t0day g0ing t0 friends hse play mahj0ng, d0n kn0w whether will l0st m0ney 0r what. hahahaha..... NEXT M0N G0ING T0 RUN 2.4 I WANT T0 DIE ALREADY LA. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!Wednesday, May 13, 2009 6:15 PM
t0day really did went 0ut with classmate, went t0 the cathay watch 17again. hahaha. quite nice. but i like that guy the eyes, very nice. hahahahaha. after m0vie back t0 plaza sing g0 h0ngk0ng cafe eat.... after eating went back h0me, lucky i didn't eat there c0s my ahma c00k p0rridge.... wahahahahahaha. tmr will end sch till 6pm sianz!!!!! 3:15 AM
t0day really did went 0ut with classmate, went t0 the cathay watch 17again. hahaha. quite nice. but i like that guy the eyes, very nice. hahahahaha. after m0vie back t0 plaza sing g0 h0ngk0ng cafe eat.... after eating went back h0me, lucky i didn't eat there c0s my ahma c00k p0rridge.... wahahahahahaha. tmr will end sch till 6pm sianz!!!!!Tuesday, May 12, 2009 5:52 PM
yTD wEnt t0 eAt stiNgRay with Leng, c0s sHe vEry fRee... HahahAHA.... jUst we 2pErs0N eAt i kn0w A bit cRaZy la, buT quiTe fun..... waHAhahHA..... tMR wiLL be g0iNG 0ut wiTH cLassmaTe WatCh 17agaiN, fr0M laSt wEEk thEy sAy tiLL n0w.... hmmmm d0N kn0w Tmr reALLy will g0 WaTch mARhs.... HAhahHA.... yTd tEaCher sAy 1juNe wiLL haVe tEst aND thE daTe is aGnes bDae s0Me m0RE..... HahahAHhA....Saturday, May 9, 2009 10:47 PM
t0Day wEnt t0 pArkWay mEEt chArmAine, tALk t0 hEr aLL thiS thEn wEnt baCK beD0k inTer haVE diNNer with mY dADDy aND da Ge..... tmR m0Ther's Day haVe bEEn cAncel g0inG 0uT due t0 mY mum w0RkinG, thEn cHAnge t0 24mAy cELebrAte mum BDae and m0THer's Day.. wAhahHAhA, i kn0w iS vERy laTe c0s mY mum waNt, s00000 wE chAnge the dATe... hmm nTH muCh m0re Ab0ut t0Day le, p0St tiLl hEre.... 7:51 AM
t0Day wEnt t0 pArkWay mEEt chArmAine, tALk t0 hEr aLL thiS thEn wEnt baCK beD0k inTer haVE diNNer with mY dADDy aND da Ge..... tmR m0Ther's Day haVe bEEn cAncel g0inG 0uT due t0 mY mum w0RkinG, thEn cHAnge t0 24mAy cELebrAte mum BDae and m0THer's Day.. wAhahHAhA, i kn0w iS vERy laTe c0s mY mum waNt, s00000 wE chAnge the dATe... hmm nTH muCh m0re Ab0ut t0Day le, p0St tiLl hEre....Thursday, May 7, 2009 3:27 AM
w0w g0inG t0 wEEkenD aGAin, aND can reSt at h0Me cAn slp Late LaTe le, wAhahAhhA.... t0Day wEnt t0 sCH aS n0RmaL, aCTUALLy lAzy t0 wAke up buT yeT stiLL aWakE.... tHis c0Ming sUn is m0Ther Day!!!!! d0n KN0w whAt t0 buY f0r my Mum, siAnZz.... HeHEhehHE.... tmR afTer sCh d0n kn0W wiLL g0 WHerE mAybe aFTer sch STRaight awAy g0 h0Me 0r whAt.. HahahHAhA.... yTd wENt 0ut wiTh cLASsmaTe aND sec sCh frienDs.. wEnt t0 sh0P at taMpinEs wiTh cLaSsmate, thEn 1pluS wEnt baCk h0me bAth and thEn wEnt 0ut AgAin mEEt my sEc sCh frienDs.... wENt t0 wATch m0vie at plAza Sing, bE4 tHe sh0w sTart wEnt t0 eAt kFC t0GEthEr and thEn chiT chAt.. aFTer m0Vie wEnt t0 tAmpinEs eAt pEPPer lunCh... HehehEHhE... sAt aFTern00n wiLL be G0iNg 0uT mEEt cHArmaiNe, suN wiLL bE celEbrAte m0tHEr dAy.. thE m0n sTart sCh aGAin, siAnzZ!!!!!Monday, May 4, 2009 1:11 PM
t0DAy hAve a vEry wEirD dReam aND i d0n kn0W WheTher wiLL c0Me tRue maRhs... haVing c0uGhing n0w c0uGH tiLL caNT rEAlly sLp... wAhahAHha... tmR wiLL be pLAyiNG badminT0n anD i d0n kn0w whetHEr wiLL c0uGh an0Rt, h0PefuLLy wiLL be ha0.... HeheHEhHE.. nTh t0 p0St aB0ut Le.... t0Day wiLL be sTayinG at h0Me wh0Le day.... |