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Tuesday, December 22, 2009 8:27 AM
t0day went t0 bugis, actually plan t0 d0 pr0ject due t0 s0me reas0n we cancel 0ur project. After that went t0 sh0pping and arcade.. Ar0und 5plus went t0 take bus 12 t0 ep eat dinner with tx.... After eating walk a while then g0 buy each a cup and sit d0wn chit chat.. After that went t0 take bus9 went back h0me. Tmr will g0ing d0wn t0wn meet church friends and have lunch and exchange gift. And maybe tmr i will p0st m0re if i'm n0t lazy. Hahahahaha.Friday, December 18, 2009 11:06 PM
Lazy t0 p0st this few days and i want t0 p0st ab0ut wed celebrate j0anne belated bdae!!!!!First we meet at 1.3opm at bed0k inter, clap and j0anne was late and i 0we agnes sth... Went t0 have lunch at ljs. After that went t0 take train d0wn t0 s0merset and walk ar0und find j0anne bdae present..... G0 quite l0t 0f places and finally d0wn t0 far east and F0UND J0ANNE BIKINI!!!!!! And she was s00000 sh0cked c0s she didn't kn0w that we buying bikini f0r her.. And she sc0ld l0ts 0f vulgar at miie:( Wahahaha. But she als0 very humji c0s i dare her wear bikini c0me 0ut let us take pic she d0n dare...... Hahahaha...... After that still g0t 2m0re surprise f0r her and yet she d0n kn0w c0s we didn't tell her anything.. S00000000 fun man..... Wahahaha.. 2nd surprise is she didn't kn0w g0t 4guys c0ming which is marcus, daniel, h0ngan and san... But the guys quite ke lian c0s they helping us finding a restaurant t0 eat!!! After sh0pping all this went t0 find marcus they all and j0anne saw them and she started t0 sc0ld miie again.... 3rd surprise which is she didn't kn0w we g0t cake!!! After 0ur dinner we ask the waitress t0 take the cake 0ut f0r us. Be4 that i bluff j0anne that still g0t 1m0re ppl c0ming which is the waitress send the cake t0 her. J0ANNE CHAN HUI TING S00000 STUPID!!!! After the waitress sent the cake t0 0ur table we sang bdae s0ng f0r her.... I t0t she will cry but in the end she didn't n0t fun de.... Next year her bdae i make sure she cry.. Wahahahaha...... After that we all went back h0me c0s we quite tired walk l0ts 0f places... Wahahaha..... J0ANNE CHAN HUI TING MAKE SURE NEXT YEAR UR BDAE MUST BE FREE!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHA... Monday, December 14, 2009 8:14 AM
T0day wake up in the m0rning and g0 sch.. After sch went t0 tamp pei friends a while then went back h0me t0 prepare t0 bbq.... 2plus went t0 sheng si0ng buy prawn after that clap came my hse and prepare all things and just finish d0ing th0se things just nice san and jiajun reached... Wahahahaha.... After that i went t0 bath while waiting f0r daniel... After that went t0 take cab t0 paris ris bbq pit.... There de wind damn str0ng sia, stay there till nitex damn c0ld sia like g0t air-c0n like that didn't sweat at all.. HEhehehehehe..... ar0und 9pm went t0 take bus back t0 paris ris inter c0s j0anne need t0 buy kfc f0r her bf..... Wahahahaha.... After that take mrt back t0 bed0k and went h0me... Nth much ab0ut t0day le.....HAPPY BDAE J0ANNE CHAN HUI TING!!!!!! Saturday, December 12, 2009 8:36 PM
7/12Wake up early in the m0rning prepare and have breakfast at inter with my family... After that went t0 d0n kn0w where wait f0r bus t0 c0me fetch us t0 genting..... Ar0und 7.3oam the bus arrived and the bus damn c00l la, which seat have tv and the chair seat can adjust de.... Wahahahaha i kn0w i very lame c0s is the first time i take that bus...... Wahahahaha.... Reach genting ab0ut 2plus and stay at h0tel a while and went sh0pping with them... After that eat dinner and back t0 h0tel again... First day didn't d0 much things c0s all was tired... Then i slp ar0und 12plus, c0s cant slp early d0n kn0w why.... Wahahahaha....... 8/12 Early in the m0rning my dad wakes miie up and i was like s000000000 tired and is 0nly 8plus and i slept 0nly 8hrs like that....... Went t0 eat breakfast after that sh0pping see whether g0t my sh0es an0rt..... After that adult g0 gamble then they give us m0ney g0 play arcade.... Wahahaha..... we went t0 theme park play and a bit scary..... Wahahahaha.... We didn't play l0ts 0f things c0s my y0ung little c0usin afraid 0f high s0000000 we cann0t ps him and we have t0 acc him...... After that meet the adult at 5.45pm c0s we g0ing t0 have dinner t0gether... Bring my c0usin g0 play arcade c0s the adult went gamble again..... After dinner back t0 h0tel again and slp.... And I sleep quite late t0day i slp ar0und 1plus..... 9/12 And my dad wakes miie up at 7plus!!!!!! The timing bec0me m0re earlier c0s he cant slp s0 he wakes miie up!!!!!!! Sad:( After breakfast back t0 h0tel again and ar0und 11plus went t0 temple and pray..... Stay at there quite l0ng and had 0ur lunch at there t00...... Ar0und 4-5plus reach h0tel and the adult g0 gamble again then we g0 play arcade!!!!!! Wahahahaha.... After that meet adult ate dinner again!!!! Wahahahaha... After dinner went back h0tel and i slp ar0und 12plus.... 1o/12 And t0day is the last day in genting!!!!!!! Lucky my dad wake miie up at 9plus.. Wahahaha can slp a bit l0nger.. Actually 8plus he wakes miie up already but i d0n kn0w....... Wahahahaha.... Did nth much t0day c0s 2pm need t0 g0 take bus back t0 singap0re!!!!!!!! Wahahaha.... Reach singap0re at 9plus and sit till backside pain....... Hehehehehe.... Nth t0 p0st ab0ut t0day..... 11/12 Plan t0 g0 sch t0day and yet i very tired s00000 didn't g0... Actually playing badmint0n c0s 0f tx laziness s000000 badmint0n cancel all her fault........ Wahahahaha..... Meet her 6.3opm at EP and she late! Late queen sia.... meeting zy f0r dinner at 18chef..... Wahahaha... After that miie and tx went t0 tm c0s i wanna buy sh0es and i cant find.... Wahahaha.. Then take bus 38 t0 her hse d0wnstair chit chat.. Fr0m 1oplus t0 1am very pr0 right.... And my erge is the best c0me and fetch miie and he's very tired.... Thanks er ge give euu a big kiss MAUCKX!!!!!!! Wahahahaha...... reach h0me ar0und 1.15am and went t0 bath and slp...... Hehehehe...... 12/12 Wake up at 1pm d0n kn0w why i can slp s00000000 l0ng....... And s0me ppl sc0ld miie pig c0s we g0ing 0ut later.... Wahahaha.......... Meet classmate at 2.15pm and all late 0nly i reach 0n time....... ASSH0LE!!!!!!! hahahahaha... Went d0wn t0 t0wn pei huda buy her things walk ar0und t0wn area then Went back h0me..... Reach h0me at 8plus and j0anne call miie ask miie g0 d0wn ljs eat dinner..... After that chit chat a while then went back h0me and bath..... After that use c0m till 1plus and went t0 slp..... Nth much t0 p0st le...... Sunday, December 6, 2009 9:34 PM
Tmr leaving singap0re t0 genting le... G0ing there 4day 3nitex, thurs will c0me back le.. But d0n kn0w why i d0n feel like g0ing... This few days i have l0ts 0f weird feeling d0n kn0w why. Hmmmm t0day g0ing t0 slp early tmr 5am need t0 wake up le... g0ing t0 st0p here:)Friday, December 4, 2009 11:13 AM
Didn't update my bl0g quite a l0ng time c0s 0f my laziness... wahahahaha... T0day went t0 play badmint0n with my classmate at FCC... After badmint0n went t0 mama sh0p buy drinks and slack at there chit chat f0r a while then g0 h0me.... After i reached h0me i feel s000000 tired but i cant slp... Wahahahaha... Nth t0 p0st ab0ut le.....Next week i'm g0ing t0 genting f0r 4days 3nitex and i very happy c0s this is the first time i g0ing with my family, but n0t my all family members r g0ing:( 0nly miie and my dad g0ing and the rest is my c0usin.... |