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Tuesday, April 27, 2010 10:50 PM
T0day was a happy day!! My da ge bdae! Had al0t 0f fun!!!! After sch went parkway with jiaxin c0s she want t0 nuy cake f0r her friends bdae... After that headed back t0 bed0k i want t0 sell my hp but the sh0p didn't 0pen suay.. Wahahahaha. After that went back h0me and prepare t0 g0 marine square celebrate my br0 bdae. Treat him eat pizza hut after at KB0X!!!!!! s0000 fun the r00m fucking big and have p00l table!!! 0f c0s i g0t play p00l with my br0 b0th 0f them bully miie!!!! I 0nly win 1time! They assh0le.. Wahahahaha.... Having fun t0day and kn0w what i'm still at kb0x and using c0m!!! My br0 singing.. Wahahaha.. ENJ0Y MY DAY T0DAY:)Sunday, April 25, 2010 10:35 PM
T0day finally g0t my new hp actually wanted t0 buy xperia X10 but damn suay 0ut 0f st0ck... s00000 i buy vivaz red c0l0ur and is damn nice!!!! Wahahahaha... Tmr g0t sch but cant slp t00000 happy t0 have new hp le... Wahahahaha...Wednesday, April 21, 2010 8:44 PM
T0day wake up at 9plus use c0m and 1oplus went t0 bath and prepare t0 g0 sch.... 12pm start sch but i reach sch at 12plus.. Wahahahaha... T0day teacher teach quite al0t 0f things but s0me cann0t rmb.. Hahahahaha..... After sch went back h0me had dinner at h0me c0s ahma g0t c00k.... Tmr g0ing sch again start at 9.3oam.. And first peri0d is PE! Think i will be damn fucking tired... Wahahahahaha...... I will be buying hp this sun n0 need t0 wait until next week!!!! S000000000 happy but i still haven decide which hp t0 buy.... Hahahahaha....Tuesday, April 20, 2010 5:09 PM
Time t0 update my bl0g!!! Wahahaha... Sat went 0ut with agnes they all watch midnitex m0vie. Lazy t0 say where be4 m0vie... Sun went t0 t0wn f0r celebrate wen bdae.. Reach t0wn early and walk ar0und with wen. Buy jeans f0r wen present and she 0wnself ch00se c0s i d0n kn0w what t0 buy f0r her. Actually plan t0 watch m0vie but n0 sh0w f0r us t0 watch s0000 we sit d0wn chit chat while waiting f0r leng t0 reach t0wn... Wahahahaha... After leng reach t0wn we g0 t0 eat HK cafe at cine.. After 0ur dinner all 0f us t00k the same bus as wen back t0 tamp.. After that all 0f us went back h0me... Hahahahaha... Nth t0 p0st ab0ut ytd and t0day c0s is damn b0ring in sch!!!!! Teacher teach al0t 0f things and yet i understand all... Hahahaha... Next thurs g0ing t0 change hp!!!!! s000000 happy... But n0t g0ing t0 buy iph0ne maybe buying n0kia 0r s0ny ericss0n..... Hahahahaha....Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8:40 AM
Ytd after sch went back h0me straight.. Reach h0me went t0 bath and acc my m0ther g0 see zh0ng yi c0s my mum niu da0 her neck.... After she finish seeing we went t0 eat dinner... After dinner went back h0me and rest... Wahahahaha.... N0w having less0n again and is damn b0ring.... I hate first week 0f sch nth t0 d0 and is fucking b0red:( H0pefully byju will dismiss us early t0day.... I WANT T0 EAT HK CAFE!!!!!! Wahahahahaha..Monday, April 12, 2010 10:38 PM
Sianz sch start and n0w i'm inside classr00m using c0m... Fucking b0ring end class at 6PM!!!! I want m0re h0liday and less0n timing change like last time!!!! s0000000 b0ring.... I want watch al0t 0f m0vie. But i 4get the title.. Hehehehehehe... Da ge bdae reaching d0n kn0w what t0 buy f0r him c0s he seld0m g0 0ut and sh0p:( SIANZ!!!Sunday, April 11, 2010 9:24 PM
t0day went 0ut with agnes and peishi.... Went t0wn and walk walk watch m0vie.. Watch rainy day quite nice but the st0ry quite l0ng sit until backside pain.. Wahahaha... After that take l0ts 0f pic c0s agnes is crazy!!! Hehehehehe... Nth t0 p0st ab0ut t0day le.. Tmr start sch t0day g0ing t0 slp early:):)Saturday, April 10, 2010 8:58 PM
t0day didn't g0 0ut stay at h0me all the way.. Tmr g0ing 0ut with sec friends again h0pe will enj0y the day c0s is the last day 0f h0liday:( I want m0re h0liday:( Teacher has sent us 0ur time-table and is damn nice everyday end at 6pm except f0r tue 1pm end sch and fri n0 sch!!!!!!!! I want t0 die already.... 6pm!!! h0w t0 g0 0ut after sch:( i will update my time-table and let euu all see h0w nice is my sch day:(![]() Tuesday, April 6, 2010 5:02 PM
Ytd g0t 0ff day and i went 0ut!! Meet agnes they all at airp0rt and we walking ar0und talking l0ts 0f n0nsense and taking l0ts 0f pic... Ytd enj0y al0t 0f fun and i miss the past:( H0w i wish that the time can g0 back and pause at time and we will keep having l0ts 0f fun.... Wahahahaha.. Next time g0 0ut with them must take m0re pic with them and keep it as mem0ries... Hahahaha.... If n0t gr0w up all start w0rking very hard t0 meet them le. Hehehehehe... I want t0 g0 0ut with them again!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA...... T0day i g0t nth t0 p0st ab0ut...Sunday, April 4, 2010 3:46 PM
t0day went t0 w0rk again. I really d0n have a nice h0liday, next week last week 0f h0liday i still need t0 g0 back t0 w0rk. Fucking sianz.... I have a bad flu since last week until n0w d0n kn0w when then will ha0.... SAD:(:( i d0n wanna w0rk next week s00000 tired:(Friday, April 2, 2010 5:53 AM
T0day wake up at 5.3o and prepare t0 g0 w0rk.. T0day w0rk n0t really very happy, a bit piss 0ff c0s 0f s0me reas0n... ANGRY!!!! I really wish t0 have next week all 0ff day. W0rk until very tired and s0metime very unhappy... TIRED 0f w0rking really wish t0 have a week 0f h0liday f0r myself with0ut w0rking.... 27April my br0 bdae i'm g0ing t0 change hp... Wahahahaha...Thursday, April 1, 2010 6:31 PM
t0day wake up in the m0rning went t0 market eat breakfast... After eating help my father stall a while c0s quite busy. Wahahahaha.... After that went back h0me at 12plus, bath ha0 le sl just nice reach my hse... c0s we g0ing t0 bake again:) T0day bake egg tart and is first time bake... When the egg tart inside the 0ven we t0t will fail, but in the end pass..... Wahahahaha. After baking huda call and she say, she at my hse d0wnstair kfc eat starting i d0n believe c0s t0day is april f00l day.. Hahahaha... After that i bring 2egg tart g0 d0wn KFC find them and let them try the egg tart and they say nice!!!!! Wahahahaha.... Must thanks SL f0r c0ming my hse bake egg tart and i can learn new thing... hahahaha..... Later g0ing t0 85market eat dinner with my mum:):) |